Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Contagious!

I have not been blogging in a few days because of a death in my family.  I haven’t even been grocery shopping yet.  We’ve been eating and eating tons of delicious food that my parent’s friends have brought over to their home.  My most favorite dish was a breakfast casserole with spinach, mushrooms, onions, cheese, and eggs, but then there was a football country ham that my dad's friend gave us.  It was pre-cooked and so yummy!  I am from the South and I do LOVE Country Ham!  I think one of the best gifts a friend can give me is food!  I do love to eat! 

As I was cruising through facebook tonight, I saw where one of my close friends saved $105.41 on her grocery bill at Kroger and spent about $165!  She used to be a Wal-Mart shopper, but after reading my blog, she has converted to a Krogerian!  I’m so thrilled that my excitement for saving money has rubbed off on my's contagious! 

When I was over at my parents this weekend, I took their Sunday coupons out of their newspaper!  My husband and I stopped getting the newspaper a few years ago to save money, but my gracious parents continue to give us their coupons!  I just got done clipping them all and will make my list tomorrow night while looking over the weekly ad for Kroger.  Since we haven’t been around much over the past 5 days, we still have meals from last week left to fix and we also have meals being brought to us, so I’m not in a huge rush to get to the store!    Once I make my menu, I’ll share!

I do want to let you know to sign up on to get printable coupons.  I received a packet of coupons in the mail today from this site.  I had signed up a while back and they sent me a packet of coupons.  I also suggest going to and uploading store coupons to your Kroger Card.  My husband and I do this and we also use clipped coupons on top of the store coupons!  We really get a deal on some items!  If you have any good shopping tips, please share!  I'm always interested in learning new ways to save!

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